how to pronounce philippi in the bible

pageTracker._trackPageview(); cruxes or cruces) - - w87 8/15 23 - KRUKS, KRUHKS (pl. Diphthong --A vowel sound that glides from one sound to another, such If you want to know how to pronounce Bible names correctly, be sure to check out our Bible Pronunciation Guide. You have earned {{app.voicePoint}} points. For Id like an appointment with Dr. Brown have readers repeat: mih-DRO-shim] * [ Migdol] * [ (tower in some Bibles) - Mig'dol - Ezekiel 29:10 (h4024) - MIG-dol] * [ miktam] * [ (also michtam)] * [ (michtam, Secret Treasure, writing in some Bibles) - mik'tam - Psalm 16 superscription (h4387) - MIK-tam] * [ Milcah - Mil'cah - Genesis 11:29 (h4435) - MIL-kuh, MIL-kah] * [ milch - ("giving suck" in NW) - Genesis 32:15 AS, DRB, KJ (h3243) - MILCH, MILK, MILKS] * [ Milcom - Mil'com - 1 Kings 11:5 (h4445) - MIL-kuhm, MIL-kom] * [ Miletus - Mile'tus - Acts 20:15 (g3399) - mi -LEE-tuhs] * [ millenarianism* - - w99 12/1 6 - mil'uh-NAIR-ee-uhn-iz'uhm] * [ Millennial*] * [ (Reign of Christ) - - it "Kingdom of God" - muh-LEN-ee-uhl] * [ millennialism* - - w99 12/1 6 - muh-LEN-ee-uhl-iz'-uhm] * [ millennium*] * [ (also Millennium) - - w99 12/1 7 - muh-LEN-ee-uhm] * [ mina] * [ (coin, money, pound in some Bibles) - mi'na - Luke 19:16 (g3414) - MI -nuh] * [ Minerva* - - g97 11/8 27 - muh-NUHR-vuh] * [ Minuscule* ("cursive" manuscript) - - si 310 - MIN-uh-skyool, mih-NUHS-kyool] * [ Miriam - Mir'iam - Exodus 15:20 (h4813) - MIR-ee-uhm] * [ mischievous - - Psalm 21:11 KJ (h4209); Psalm 38:12 AS, Da, KJ (h1942); Ecclesiastes 10:13 AS, DRB, KJ (h7451)) - MIS-chuh-vuhs, MISH-; (nonstandard spelling and pronunciation: mischievious : mis-CHEE-vee-uhs, mish-)] * [ Mishnah*] * [ (also Mishna) - - sh 221 - MISH-nuh] * [ Mishael - Mish'ael - Daniel 1:6 (h4332) - MISH-ay-uhl, MISH-ay-el] * [ Mithra*] * [ (also Mithras) - - g88 12/8 18 - MITH-ruh; MITH-ras] * [ Mithraic* - - w94 12/15 5 - mith-RAY-ik] * [ Mithraism* - - w79 12/15 3 - MITH-ruh-iz'uhm] * [ mitre] * [ (diadem, turban in some Bibles) - ("turban" in NW) - Ezekiel 21:26 AS, Da, Yg (h4701) - MI -tuhr] * [ Mitylene - Mityle'ne - Acts 20:14 (g3412) - mit'uh-LEE-nee, mit'uh-LEE-nuh] * [ Mizpah] * [ (Mizpeh in some Bibles) - Miz'pah - Judges 11:11 (h4709) - MIZ-puh, MIZ-pah] * [ Mizar] * [ (little [hill] in DRB) - ("little" [mountain] in NW) - Psalm 42:6 AS, KJ, Yg (h4706) - MI -zahr] * [ Mizpeh] * [ (see also Mizpah) - Miz'peh - 1 Samuel 22:3 (h4708) - MIZ-puh] * [ Mizraim - Miz'raim - Genesis 10:6 (h4714) - MIZ-ree-uhm, MIZ-ray-im, Heb. (g3807); w02 6/1 15 - PED-uh-gog', -gawg'] * [ Pelatiah - Pelati'ah - Ezekiel 11:1, 13 (h6410) - pel'uh-TI -uh] * [ Peleg - Pe'leg - Genesis 10:25 - PEE-lig, PEE-leg] * [ Pella* - - it "Alexander" - PEL-uh] * [ Peloponnese* - - g84 12/22 26 - PEH-luh-puh-neez', -nees', peh'luh-puh-NEEZ] * [ Peloponnesus* - - it "Greece, Greeks" - peh'luh-puh-NEE-suhs] * [ Peloponnisos* - - w97 3/1 21 - peh'luh-PAW-nee-saws'] * [ Penates* - - pm 286 - puh-NAY-teez, -NAH-] * [ Peninnah - Penin'nah - 1 Samuel 1:2 (h6444) - pih-NIN-uh, pee-, peh-NIN-ah] * [ Pentateuch* - it Pen'tateuch - it "Pentateuch" - PEN-tuh-t(y)ook', PEN-tah-took'] * [ Pentecost - Pentecost - Acts 2:1 (g4005) - PEN-tih-kost] * [ penury - ("want" in NW) - Proverbs 14:23 KJ (h4270); Luke 21:4 KJ (g5303) - PEN-yuh-ree] * [ Peor - Pe'or - Numbers 23:28 (h6465) - PEE-or, PEE-awr] * [ peradventure] * [ (if, if by chance, perhaps, though, what if in some Bibles) - ("maybe," "perhaps," or "suppose" in NW) - Genesis 18:24 KJ (h194); Romans 5:7 KJ (g5029) - puhr'uhd-VEN-chuhr, per'-, PUHR-uhd-ven'chuhr, PER-] * [ Perazim] * [ (Mount, aka Baal-Perazim) - Pera'zim - Isaiah 28:21 (h6556) - puh-RAY-zim, pih-] * [ perdition] * [ (destruction in some Bibles) - ("destruction" in NW) - John 17:12 AS, DRB, KJ (g684) - puhr-DIH-shuhn] * [ Perea* - - ip-1 100 - puh-REE-uh] * [ Peres] * [ (see Mene, Mene, Tekel and Parsin) - PE'RES - Daniel 5:28 (h6537) - PEE-res] * [ Perez] * [ (Phares, Pharez, Pherez in some Bibles) - Pe'rez - Genesis 38:29 (h6557) - PEE-riz, PEE-rehz, not PER-ez] * [ Perez-uzzah - Pe'rez-uz'zah - 2 Samuel 6:8 (h6560) - pee'rez-UH-zuh, pee'riz-] * [ perfunctory* - - ip-2 121 - puhr-FUHN(K)-t(uh-)ree, not puhr-FUHN(K)-tuh-tor'ee] * [ Pergamum (Pergamos in some Bibles) - Per'gamum - Revelation 1:11 (g4010) - PUHR-guh-muhm] * [ perineal - perineal - Genesis 38:29 (h6556) - per'uh-NEE-uhl] * [ Peripatetic* - - w92 3/15 28; it "Athens (Cultural and Religious Center)" - per'uh-puh-TET-ik] * [ pernicious [ways] - ([acts of] "loose conduct" in NW) - 2 Peter 2:2 KJ (g684) - puhr-NI -shuhs] * [ Persepolis* - - dp 54 - puhr-SEP-uh-lis] * [ Persia; Persian - Persia; Persian - Ezra 1:1 (h6539); Nehemiah 12:22 (h6542) - PUHR-zhuh; PUHR-zhuhn] * [ Pesach] * [ ("Passover") - ("passover" in NW) - Exodus 12:11 HNV (h6453) - PAY-sakh' (listen), Seph. - sin-EK-duh-kee (listen)] * [ synod* - - w97 10/1 12 - SIN-uhd, SIN-ahd'] * [ synodal* - - w97 10/1 12 - SIN-uh-duhl, SI-nah'-, suh-NAH-duhl] * [ synoptic* - - it "Christian Greek Scriptures" - sin-OP-tik, suh-NAHP-tik] * [ Syntyche - Syn'tyche - Philippians 4:2 (g4941) - SIN-tih-kee] * [ Syracuse - Syracuse, it Syr'acuse - Acts 28:12 (g4946) - SIHR-uh-kyooz, -kyoos] * [ Syria - Syria - Judges 10:6 (h758) - SIHR-ee-uh] * [ Syriac] * [ (Aramaean, Aramaic, Syrian in some Bibles) - ("Aramaic" in NW) - Daniel 2:4 DRB, KJ - SIHR-ee-ak'] * [ Syrophoenician] * [ (Syrophenician, Syro-phoenician in some Bibles) - Syrophoeni'cian - Mark 7:26 (g4949) - si 'roh-fih-NISH-uhn, si 'roh-fih-NEE-shuhn, not sihr-oh-] * [ Syrtis] * [ (quicksands, sandbank[s], sand bars in some Bibles) - Syr'tis - Acts 27:17 (g4950) - SUHR-tuhs, SIHR-tuhs] *. Brit. Pronunciation: Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: li; Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: li; Transliteration: le; Biblical Pronunciation: leh-HEE; Modern Pronunciation: leh-HEE According to Deuteronomy 27:1-8, Moses commanded the Israelites upon entering the land to go to Mount Ebal. But in order to distinguish it from the Caesarea on the sea coast, he added to it subsequently his own name, and called it Caesarea-Philippi (q.v.). ", Ebed-Melech EE-behd-MEE-lehk , Ebenezer eh-behn-EE-zer, Ecbatana ehk-BAT-uh-nuh, Ecclesiastes eh-klee-sih-AS-teez, Eden EE-dn, Edom EE-duhm, Elamite EE-luh-mait, Eldad EHL-dad, Eleazar ehl-ee-AY-zer, Electrum ee-LEHK-truhm, Eli EE-lai, Eli Lema Sabachthani AY-lee_luh-MAH_sah-BAHK-tah-nee, Eliab ee-LAI-ab, Eliakim ee-LAI-uh-kihm, Eliezer ehl-ih-EE-zer, Elihu ee-LAI-hyoo, Elijah ee-LAI-dzhuh, Elim EE-lihm, Elimelech ee-LIHM-eh-lehk, Eliphaz EHL-ee-fahz, Elisha ee-LAI-shuh, Eliud ee-LAI-uhd, Elizabeth ee-LIHZ-uh-bth, Elkanah el-KAY-nuh, Elnathan el-NAY-thn, Eloi Lama Sabechthani AY-lo-ee_LAH-mah_sah-BAHK-tah-nee, Elymais ehl-ih-MAY-ihs, Emiliani eh-MIL-ee-an, Emmanuel eh-MAN-yoo-ehl, Emmaus eh-MAY-uhs, Enoch EE-nawk, Epaenetus ee-PEE-nee-tuhs, Epah EE-puh, Epaphras EH-puh-fras, Epaphroditus ee-paf-ro-DAI-tuhs, Ephah EE-fuh, Ephesians eh-FEE-zhuhnz, Ephesus EH-fuh-suhs, Ephphatha EHF-uh-thuh, Ephphathy EHF-uh-thee, Ephraim EE-fray-ihm, Ephraimite EE-fray-ihm-ait, Ephratha EHF-ruh-thuh, Ephrathah EHF-ruh-thuh, Ephrem EHF-rehm, Ephron EE-frawn, Epiphanes eh-PIHF-uh-neez, Erastus ee-RAS-tuhs, Esau EE-saw, Esther EHS-ter, Ethanim EHTH-uh-nihm, Ethiopia ee-thee-O-pee-uh, Ethiopian ee-thee-O-pee-uhn, Eunuch YOO-nuhk, Euodia yoo-O-dee-uh, Euphrates yoo-FRAY-teez, Eusebius yoo-SEE-bee-uhs, Evangelist eeVAN-dzhuh-lihst, Exodus EHK-so-duhs, Exorcised EHK-sawr-saizd, Expiate EHKS-pee-ayt, Ezechiel eh-ZEE-kee-uhl, Ezra EHZ-ruh, Fabian FAY-bih-uhn, Felicity feh-LIHS-ih-tee, Felix FEE-lihks, Festus fih-DAY-lihs_of_sihg-muh-RIHNG-ehn, Fidelis of Sigmaringen fih-DAY-lihs_of_sihg-muh-RIHNG-ehn, Frankincense FRANGK-ihn-sehns, Words are made up of sections called syllables. Crowdsourced audio pronunciation dictionary for 89 languages, with meanings, synonyms, sentence usages, translations and much more. Keep up. If this doesn't work, you may need to edit your .htaccess file directly. Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. I hope this page helps provide the solution to "How do I pronounce it? Heb. The primary purpose of a language is to communicate. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce N words in the Bible: [ Naamah - Na'amah - Genesis 4:22 (h5279) - NAY-uh-muh, NAY-uh-mah] * [ Naaman - Na'aman - 2 Kings 5:1 (h5283) - NAY-uh-muhn, not NAY-muhn] * [ Naamathite - Na'amathite - Job 2:11 (h5284) - NAY-uh-muh-thit] * [ Nabal - Na'bal - 1 Samuel 25:3 (h5037) - NAY-buhl, NAY-bawl] * [ Nabataea* - - w62 11/1 661 - nab'uh-TEE-uh] * [ Nabatean* - - w62 9/15 575 - nab'uh-TEE-uhn] * [ Nablus* - - it "Shechem" - NAB-luhs] * [ Nabonidus* - ; it Naboni'dus - Daniel 5:1 ftn. The image of success and plenty that so often characterizes Guyanas agricultural sector conceals the hard work, sacrifice and frequently the frustration which, more often than we imagine,.. Fransina Sauls has been living and working on the Bock family farm in the Philippi Horticultural Area in Cape Town for nearly a decade. RewriteRule . var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1); Example: Dog sounds a little like DAW- uhg, Gabbatha GAB-uh-thuh, Gabriel GAY-bree-ul, Gadarene GAD-uh-reen, Gaius GAY-yuhs, Galatan GAL-uh-tuhn, Galatia guh-LAY-shih-uh, Galileans gal-ih-LEE-uhnz, Galilee GAL-ih-lee, Gallio GAL-ih-o, Gamaliel guh-MAY-lih-ehl, Gath GATH, Gaza GAH-zuh, Gehazi gee-HAY-zai, Gehenna geh-HEHN-uh, Genesis gehn-NEHS-uh-reht, Gennesaret gehn-NEHS-uh-reht, Gentiles DZHEHN-tailz, Gera DZHEE-ruh, Gerasenes DZHEHR-uh-seenz, Gerizim dzheh-RAI-sihm, Gethesemani gehth-SEHM-uh-nee, Gibeon GIHB-ee-uhn, Gideon GIHD-ee-uhn, Gilead GIHL-ee-uhd, Gilgal GIHL-gal, Girgashites GER-guh-shaits, God gahd, Golgotha GAHL-guh-thuh, Goliath go-LAI-uhth, Gomorrah guh-MAWR-uh, Gonzaga guhn-ZAH-guh, Goshen GO-shuhn, Gozan GO-zan. ma-NOH-uh] * [ mantra* - - g84 2/22 8 - MAN-truh, MUHN-, MAHN-] * [ Manu* - - sh 120 - MAN-oo(')] * [ manumission* - - Isiah 61:1 ftn. When Philip the tetrarch, the son of Herod, succeeded to the government of the northern portion of his kingdom, he enlarged the city of Paneas, and called it Caesarea, in honour of the emperor. var el=d.getElementById?d.getElementById(id):d.all?d.all[id]:d.layers[id]; mih-DRAHSH] * [ midrashim*] * [ (sing. I am grateful for assistedseniorliving help and have nothing but good things to say about you guys. STE-li or STE-leez, STEELZ] * [ Stephanas - Steph'anas - 1 Corinthians 1:16 (g4734) - STEF-uh-nuhs] * [ Stephanus*] * [ (aka Estienne) - - w95 4/15 10 - STEF-uh-nuhs] * [ Stephen - Stephen, it Ste'phen - Acts 6:5 (g4736) - STE-vuhn] * [ Stoic - Sto'ic - Acts 17:18 (g4770) - STOH-ik] * [ Stoicism* - - w96 9/1 17 - STOH-ih-siz'uhm] * [ stomacher] * [ (beautiful robe, expensive clothes, rich robe, robe in some Bibles) - ("rich garment" in NW) - Jeremiah 3:23 KJ, Yg (h6614) - STUH-mih-kuhr, -chuhr] * [ storax - storax - Genesis 30:37 (h3839) - STOR-aks, STOHR-] * [ Strabo* - - it "Chronology" - STRAY-boh(')] * [ strophe* - - ip-1 134 - STROH-fee(')] * [ suborn] * [ (privately put forward, secretly bribed, secretly induced, secretly instigated in some Bibles) - ("secretly induced" in NW) - Acts 6:11 "suborned" in AS, Da, DRB (g5260) - suh-BORN] * [ subterfuge - subterfuge - Judges 9:31 (h8649) - SUHB-tuhr-fyooj'] * [ Succoth - Suc'coth - Genesis 33:17 (h5523) - SUK-oth, SUHK-uhth, SUHK-ahth'] * [ Sudan] * [ (Ethiopia in most Bibles) - ("Ethiopia" in NW) - Ezekiel 29:10 GW (h3568) - SOO-dan, soo-DAN, -DAHN] * [ Suetonius* - - g95 6/22 8 - swih-TOH-nee-uhs, swee-] * [ Sumer* - - it "Babylon" - SOO-muhr] * [ Sumeria* - - sh 207 - soo-MEER-ee-uh, -MER-, -MIR-] * [ Sumerian* - - it "Ur" - soo-MEER-ee-uhn, -MER-, -MIR-] * [ sumptuous] * [ (gaudy, goodly, splendid, splendor in some Bibles) - ("gorgeous" in NW) - Revelation 18:14 AS, HNV, WEB (g2986) - SUHM(P)(T)-shuh-wuhs, -shuhs] * [ superciliousness - superciliousness - Psalm 10:4 (h1363 + h639), ftn. document.write('